The first 19 episodes are not available via Gatchamania for one reason and one reason only -- we can't find a website that will store files for free that works consistently. Most of the episodes in the link above use PackUpload, but we weren't able to get the site to work well for the first 19 episodes. (Also, the links expire after 6 months if they're not being used frequently, which is why we can't guarantee they will be available after April or May of 2013.) As the person who was doing the uploading wrote:
That PackUpload site was giving me fits, which is why I wasn't able to get the rest of the GII eps up for you. It would hang right as the episode finished uploading and then refuse to give me the URL.
Does anybody know of a site where you can upload files that will
I really love Dropbox, but that only provides 2 GB worth of space, and each ep is about 300-600 MB. I would be more than happy to upload all of the episodes somewhere if you guys would help me find a site to use!If you're interested in seeing Gatchaman Fighter subbed in English, we need your help! We need a translator who speaks Japanese who is interested in helping us out! If you know someone, please have them contact me directly. My email address is on the GatchOnline Contact page.